Worldwide Shipping | 100% Secure Checkout

Shipping Information

1. Shipping Methods

    • Domestic Delivery : For Ghana customers, delivery typically takes 1 to 3 business days after orders are processed. Rates are displayed during checkout.
    • International Delivery : Express international delivery typically takes 4 to 9 business days after orders are processed. All international deliveries are handled by our international shipping partner, DHL Express. Customs duties, taxes, and import fees may apply upon delivery. These fees are determined by the customs authorities in the destination country and are the responsibility of the recipient.

    2. Shipping Rates

    Shipping rates are calculated based on the selected shipping method, the weight and dimensions of the package, and the destination address. Shipping rates will be displayed during the checkout process before you complete your order. Shipping fees are non-refundable. If you refuse any shipments from, you will be held responsible for the original shipping charges, plus the cost of returning the package to us.

    3. Processing Time

    Orders are typically processed and shipped in up to 3 business days. Please note that processing times may vary depending on product availability and order volume.

    4. Tracking Information

    Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email containing a tracking number. You can use this tracking number to monitor the status of your shipment and estimate the delivery date.

    5. International Shipping

    For international orders, please be aware that customs duties, taxes, and import fees may apply upon delivery. These fees are determined by the customs authorities in the destination country and are the responsibility of the recipient. We cannot be held responsible for any additional charges as they are the sole responsibility of the recipient. We recommend contacting your local customs office for more information about customs fees and regulations.

    6. Shipping Restrictions

    We currently ship to select countries worldwide. However, there may be restrictions on certain products or destinations due to legal or logistical reasons. If your country is not listed during checkout, please contact our customer support team for assistance.

    7. Lost or Damaged Shipments

    In the rare event that your shipment is lost or damaged during transit, please contact our customer support team immediately. We will work with the shipping carrier to resolve the issue and ensure that you receive a replacement or refund as appropriate.

    8. Change of Address

    If you need to change the shipping address for an order that has already been placed, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible. We will make every effort to update the shipping address before the order is shipped, but we cannot guarantee that changes can be made once the order has been processed.

    9. Delivery Delays

    While we strive to deliver your order within the estimated timeframe, please note that delivery times may be affected by factors beyond our control, such as weather conditions, natural disasters, or disruptions in postal services. We appreciate your patience and understanding in such situations.

    10. Out of Stock Items

    If your order includes multiple items and one (or more) of the items are out of stock: we will go ahead and ship the rest of your order, issuing a refund to your original form of payment for the item(s) not in stock.

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